Troubleshooting articles

I Have Forgotten the PIN Code of the Central ServerPetteri KivimäkiJan 17, 2024
Client Specifies HTTPS But Did Not Supply TLS CertificatePetteri KivimäkiDec 05, 2023
I Have Forgotten the PIN Code of the Security ServerPetteri KivimäkiAug 29, 2023
Error With The X-Road Package Repository MetadataPetteri KivimäkiMay 08, 2023
Software token logs itself out on the Security ServerPetteri KivimäkiMay 08, 2023
GetOpenAPI metaservice fails with InternalErrorRaido KajuSept 30, 2022
Initial Configuration of Security Server FailsPetteri KivimäkiFeb 28, 2022
Inconsistent Behavior When Deleting HSM Certificates on the Security ServerPetteri KivimäkiDec 29, 2021
Building packages fails because of an error in PasswordStoreTestPetteri KivimäkiNov 11, 2019
Why It Is Not Possible to Generate Security Server Authentication Key on HSM?Petteri KivimäkiJan 16, 2019
Security Server UI Does Not Open in a Hardened EnvironmentPetteri KivimäkiJun 27, 2018
Service Request Returns "Request is not allowed" Error MessagePetteri KivimäkiJun 27, 2018
Service Request Returns "Token softToken Not Active" Error MessagePetteri KivimäkiJun 27, 2018
Service Request to a Federated Service Returns "Invalid instance identifier" Error MessagePetteri KivimäkiJun 27, 2018