What kind of commitment is required from a government level to implement X-Road?

What kind of commitment is required from a government level to implement X-Road?

The most typical way to implement X-Road is national implementation. However, there are other alternatives too. More information about different implementation models can be found at:


When it comes to the national implementation, the process usually starts from the ministry level with political support as required. There might first be a decision to implement the Once Only Principle (OOP), and X-Road is the technical selection for making that possible. Once a high-level decision about the implementation has been made, the ministry responsible for digital services is usually appointed as the owner of the implementation project, and the ministry appoints a public agency (i.e. the national digital agency) as the X-Road operator that is responsible for the practical implementation of the environment. It is a common practice to enforce the use of X-Road nationally on legal level too, e.g., issue a law that defines X-Road as the default data exchange solution in all data exchange between public sector organisations and thereby strengthens the implementation of the OOP. Alternatively, existing laws, such as privacy laws, could be updated to enable the use of X-Road in specific use cases.

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