

Date and Location

at 15:00-16:00 (EEST, UTC+3)

Location: Microsoft Teams


  • Petteri Kivimäki (NIIS)
  • Raido Kaju (NIIS)
  • Aivar Meisterson
  • Alfredo Cuello
  • Gustavo Giorgetti
  • Jalmar Jerlei
  • Juhani Nuorteva
  • Tõnis Pihlakas
  • Victor Figueroa

Discussion items

1Summary of development activitiesSummary of ongoing development activities.
2X-Road development roadmap update

In June, the X-Road Working Group decided on some changes to the X-Road development roadmap. According to the previous plans, the new Central Server was going to be included in version 7.2.0 (Q4 / 2022). Unfortunately, the release of the new Central Server had to be postponed to version 7.3.0 (Q2 / 2023). Therefore, the scope for versions 7.2.0 and 7.3.0 was updated.

Summary of changes included in version 7.2.0 (Q4 / 2022):

  • Support for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

    • Central Server, Security Server and Configuration Proxy can be migrated from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to the latest Ubuntu 22.04 LTS version.

    • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS support includes installation packages, and instructions for fresh install and migration from Ubuntu 20.

  • Remove support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

    • Ubuntu 18.04 versions of previous releases (v7.0, v7.1) are supported until the end of the release's official support period.

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes based on user feedback.

Summary of changes included in version 7.3.0 (Q2 / 2023):

  • New user interface provides improved user experience (UX) for Central Server administrators.

  • Common maintenance and configuration tasks can be automated using the Central Server administrator API.

  • Improved HA support for Central Server.

3Changes in NIIS tooling

NIIS Confluence and JIRA have been migrated to a new platfrom on Atlassian cloud.

From now on, the X-Road backlog is publicly accessible and browsing the backlog items doesn't require login anymore. However, logged in users are able to access the X-Road sprint board and see the real-time sprint status. Also, the same applies to the backlogs of X-Road extensions.

Because of the migration, the URLs of all the workspaces and projects have changed. The new URLs are:

The old URLs continue to work for some time, but the content of the old sites is no longer maintained.

Unfortunately, the user accounts to access the previous platform (https://jira.niis.org) don't work on the new platform anymore. Therefore, a new user account must be created and access to the X-Road Backlog / Service Desk must be requested in order to access information that requires login. Please use the link below to sign up for an account:


Please note that approving access requests typically requires 1-2 business days.

4Changes in MISP2 GitHub repositories

MISP2 has been migrated from 3 separate repositories to using one mono repository to host all the required modules. The new repository can be found at https://github.com/nordic-institute/misp2

The repository currently contains the source code for the unreleased version 2.7.0, which on a high level contains the following changes:

  • Updated project structure and folder names to better match the setup we use for the X-Road core and support the new mono repository approach
  • Updated Orbeon to Orbeon Forms 2020.1.2 (March 2021), which is the last version to support JAVA 8
  • Removed the pre-compiled Orbeon war and updated the pipeline to build Orbeon from a git submodule
  • Removed the pre-compiled Orbeon filter jar file from web-app, also built from the Orbeon submodule
  • Migrated existing ant (Orbeon) and Maven (web-app) builds to Gradle and added a new root build to manage them
  • Created a docker compose based development environment setup
  • Fixed existing integration tests and added support for using dockerised webdriver in Selenium

The old repositories have been archived, but are still available in our GitHub account.

5X-Road contributing guidelinesOverview of the X-Road contributing guidelines.
6Open topicsDiscussion on open topics.

Next meetings
  • Meeting 4, September 14, 15:00-16:00 (EEST, UTC +3)
  • Meeting 5, October 12, 15:00-16:00 (EEST, UTC +3)
  • Meeting 6, November 16, 15:00-16:00 (EET, UTC +2)
  • Meeting 7, December 14, 15:00-16:00 (EET, UTC +2)
  • Meeting 8, January 11, 15:00-16:00 (EET, UTC +2)
  • Meeting 9, February 15, 15:00-16:00 (EET, UTC +2)
  • Meeting 10, March 15, 15:00-16:00 (EET, UTC +2)

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