Harmony eDelivery Access v1.0.0 Release Notes

Harmony eDelivery Access v1.0.0 Release Notes

Release Info

Version number1.0.0
Release date17.12.2021
Supported versions

Access Point

  • 1.0.0


  • 1.0.0
Supported platforms

Access Point

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Official documentationhttps://github.com/nordic-institute/harmony-common
Source code



Software licenseEUPL 1.2
On this page:

Changes in This Release


  • Debian packaging for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
    • Access Point and SMP can be installed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
    • Access Point and SMP are installed with Tomcat application server and MySQL database.
  • Harmony eDelivery Access branding in the Access Point and SMP admin UIs.
  • Installation guides and dynamic discovery configuration guide for Access Point and SMP.

Completed Issues

Issue IDTypeSummary
NEDS-20NewImplement Debian packaging for the Harmony Access Point component.
NEDS-21NewImplement Debian packaging for the Harmony SMP component.
NEDS-28NewAdd relevant metadata to the Harmony Access Point package.
NEDS-29NewAdd relevant metadata to the Harmony SMP package.
NEDS-31NewCreate installation manual for the Harmony Access Point component.
NEDS-32NewCreate installation manual for the Harmony SMP component.
NEDS-47ImprovementRemove URL path segment from the Harmony Access Point component web interface, which had inconsistent behaviour.
NEDS-48NewAdd a password hashing utility class to the Harmony Access Point component so that installation packages can hash the created user passwords at install time.
NEDS-53NewAdd licensing information to the Harmony Access Point and SMP web interfaces.
NEDS-54NewModify default property values so that the correctly point to the Harmony product and support.
NEDS-59NewAdd documentation on how to configure the Harmony Access Point and SMP components for dynamic discovery.
NEDS-63ImprovementUpdate dynamic-discovery-client to version 1.13 to resolve a bug where dynamic discovery was not usable with the OASIS identifiers.
NEDS-65NewCustomise the look and feel of Harmony components web interfaces so that they match the branding.

Issue types: fix (bug fix or technical debt), improvement (improvement to an existing feature), new (a new feature).

New/Updated Dependencies

DependencyOld VersionNew VersionNotes
dynamic-discovery-client1.121.13Fixes issue with OASIS identifiers


The following developers have contributed to the development of this release version. A contribution means at least one Git commit that is included in the release.

Other Notes

Package Repositories

deb https://artifactory.niis.org/harmony-release-deb focal-current main

Repository Sign Key Details

Download URLhttps://artifactory.niis.org/api/gpg/key/public
FingerprintA01B FE41 B9D8 EAF4 872F A3F1 FB0D 532C 10F6 EC5B
3rd party key serverUbuntu key server




SHA256 checksum





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