SMP UI Is Not Accessible After Installation

SMP UI Is Not Accessible After Installation


SMP UI is not accessible after completing installation according to the SMP Installation Guide. When trying to access the UI at "https://<HOST_OR_IP>:8443", a "ERR_TIMED_OUT" error is returned by the browser.


First, please complete the following checklist:

  1. Did you start the "harmony-smp" system service after the installation?
    1. sudo systemctl start harmony-smp
  2. Does the firewall configuration allow access to port 8443 from your source IP? The required network configuration is documented here.
  3. Did you define a valid "Distinguished Name" value for the certificates during the installation process? For example, ”CN=example.com, O=My Organisation, C=FI”.

If all the items in the checklist are OK, please check the "/var/log/harmony-smp/catalina.out" log file for additional details.

2021-12-20 11:10:39,847 [INFO] org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean  - Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'default'
2021-12-20 11:10:40,072 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.DatabaseProperties  - Database property: 'authentication.blueCoat.enabled' value: 'false'
2021-12-20 11:10:40,073 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.DatabaseProperties  - Database property: 'bdmsl.integration.enabled' value: 'false'
2021-12-20 11:10:40,073 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.DatabaseProperties  - Database property: 'bdmsl.integration.logical.address' value: ''
2021-12-20 11:10:40,073 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.DatabaseProperties  - Database property: 'bdmsl.integration.physical.address' value: ''
2021-12-20 11:10:40,073 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.DatabaseProperties  - Database property: 'bdmsl.integration.tls.disableCNCheck' value: 'false'
2021-12-20 11:10:40,073 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.DatabaseProperties  - Database property: 'bdmsl.integration.tls.serverSubjectRegex' value: ''
2021-12-20 11:10:40,073 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.DatabaseProperties  - Database property: 'bdmsl.integration.url' value: ''
2021-12-20 11:10:40,073 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.DatabaseProperties  - Database property: 'configuration.dir' value: '/etc/harmony-smp/'
2021-12-20 11:10:40,073 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.DatabaseProperties  - Database property: 'contextPath.output' value: 'true'
2021-12-20 11:10:40,073 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.DatabaseProperties  - Database property: 'smp.keystore.filename' value: 'smp-keystore.jks'
2021-12-20 11:10:40,073 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.DatabaseProperties  - Database property: 'smp.keystore.password' value: '******'
2021-12-20 11:10:40,119 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.PropertyInitialization  - Start generating new truststore.
2021-12-20 11:10:40,119 [INFO] eu.europa.ec.edelivery.smp.config.PropertyInitialization  - generate  token

If the log file suddenly ends during keystore or truststore generation, the hosting virtual machine may not be able to supply enough entropy that's required in key generation. In that case, please complete the Preparing OS section of the SMP Installation Guide.

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