As a Server Administrator I want to be able to install the X-Road Security Server or Central Server without a local postgres
Implementation notes
is blocked by
Janne Mattila April 9, 2021 at 6:40 AM
reviewed, merged
Raido Kaju April 9, 2021 at 6:36 AM
The deviation looks ok to me.
Janne Mattila April 9, 2021 at 5:47 AM
jarkkohyoty March 30, 2021 at 12:34 PMEdited
Creates two new packages xroad-database-local that depends on postgresql server packages, and xroad-database-remote that only depends on postgresql client. Other packages (where applicable) are changed to depend on the provided virtual xroad-database package.
Installing a local database works like before; if the concrete database package is not specified, xroad-database-local is installed by default. Installing local PostgreSQL server can be skipped by explicitly installing the xroad-database-remote package, e.g.:
apt/yum install xroad-database-remote xroad-securityserver
During later upgrade, it is not necessary to specify the database package, the installed version is used and upgraded. Installation scripts are not changed, so blindly installing with remote database without actually configuring it like described in the install guide will end up in failure.
Deviation from criteria: Extra "-remote" versions of the country specific packages are not created.
Installing stand-alone xroad-opmonitor works similarly.
Raido Kaju February 11, 2021 at 11:46 AM
Updated the description of this task to match the WG decisions about this.
Since we support using a remote database for the Security Server and Central Server, it would be good if we were able to install the X-Road components without installing a local database.
The default xroad-securityserver installation should still include the local database install as well but the user should be able to skip installing the local database. This could be achieved by creating a new xroad-securityserver-remote package.
A background study on this topic can be found at:
Acceptance criteria:
The default Security Server and Central Server packages continue to install a local postgres as they do currently
"-remote" versions of the installation packages have been created that don't install the local postgres
The country-specific meta-package installs the same dependencies that it installs now (including a local postgresql server)
"Remote" version of the country-specific meta-packages have been created
The remote version is the same as the regular country-specific meta-package, but without a local postgresql server
Installing operational monitoring on a separate host (recommended in Security Server clusters with external load balancer) has been considered when implementing these changes